Thursday, March 12, 2015

Test Marc

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Passe Compose Parce que... L'Imparait AudioBoom

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Charlie Hebdo Shooting response

On Wednesday, two Islamic extremists assassinated 12 people in the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The next day, a police officer was killed by a pair of gunmen in another corner of Paris in an apparently related incident. Today, French authorities faced hostage crises at a kosher supermarket in the city, and at a printing plant outside the city. By the end of the week, the death toll was up to twenty – 17 victims and 3 perpetrators – in an tragic week people are starting to call France’s 9/11.

I think this was all a huge mistake. the Charlie Hebdo artists were making a satirical joke and never intended to get this violent of a response. of course satire is meant for people to feel something but i never in a million years would think that thirteen people would be killed over a comic. Charlie hebdo had the right to do what they did but can also why the extremists might have what they did.